Code Enforcement & Fire Inspections
You will receive a call and/or an email regarding scheduling your annual fire inspection. At the scheduled date and time, the fire inspector will show up and conduct a fire inspection. During the inspection if any violations are found they will be identified and pointed out to the owner/representative the inspector meets with. After the inspection, the inspector will create a report to reflect the violations and email it to the owner/representative with a date and time for re-inspection. Re-inspections are typically scheduled 2 weeks from initial inspection. If the date and time for the re-inspection is not conducive to your schedule call at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled re-inspection to reschedule. If no violations are found, or violations have been repaired in the presence of the inspector, you will receive a report reflecting that the violations have been repaired. You must keep at least 3 years of records on site to be accessed by the fire marshal or fire inspector upon request. Records that shall be kept on site include: fire inspections, fire alarm inspections, sprinkler inspections, hood suppression inspections, and hood cleaning records.
Fire-Extinguisher-Contractor-List pass.pdfFire Alarm Contractor list Pass.pdfCommercial-Hood-Suppression-Contractor-List (2).pdfHood-Cleaning-Contractor-list fixed 1.pdfPFPD Sprinkler Contractor List11-13.pdfKitchen Hood Cleaning RequirementsKitchen Hood Extinguishing System Owner’s Responsibilities ChecklistMechanical-Services-Contractor-List.pdf